Current Article
Creating a "Center of Excellence".
Past Articles
The Three Kinds of Engineers.
Viewing the glass as "Only half full".
Making popular decisions is like Taking a Sit.
Sometimes, you have to make decisions with less data than you'd like.
Have you ever noticed
the temporal nature of success?
We have.
Have you ever told
someone they're overqualified?
Have you ever wondered what happens when you don't bother to define what you're building?
We've also tried to isolate the source of the
real problem...
Origins of the name
All we have up right
now is a few words about the origins
of the name Tarpit-Chronicles.
Future Rantings
Look for future rantings
on subjects such as Missing Requirements, Design Failures, Too Late
People (no, I didn't misspell "too"), Accountability for
Failure, Qaultiy (don't complain - the misspelling is intentional
- just like the lack of quality), How To Kill Morale Once And For
All, and Scheduled Chaos.
These and more articles
will be coming soon to a tarpit near you!! |
Three Kinds of Engineers
Only Half Full
Taking a Sit
Making Decisions with Less Data
Temporal nature of success
what you're building
real problem
of the name |